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Results for "tradition: "Christianity""
Learning the Language of the Fields Brings ecology down to earth and challenges the Christian community to develop a new spirituality of place.
Rabble-Rouser for Peace A rousing authorized biography of Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu, a crusader for racial justice, peace, and communal reconciliation.
Making Heart-Bread A spiritual practice for children to use each day to add richness and meaning to their lives.
A Generous Presence An impressive overview of the art of coaching-its philosophy, tools, and interpersonal dynamics.
Pauli Murray Sermons and essays on justice for women and blacks by the first African American woman ordained by the Episcopal Church.
I Am a Palestinian Christian A powerful and poignant series of essays by a Palestinian Christian who is a Lutheran clergyman in Bethlehem.
Lord, Have Mercy Six case studies that prove the Christian connection between prayer and social action.
For the Beauty of the Earth An inspiring lecture on the connections between beauty, women, goodness, generosity, humility, and Christian service.
Thirst Forty-three new poems on attention, wonder, faith, and grieving
Confronted by God Insights and challenges from an inspiring and prophetic Christian educator.